Baby Born with “Permanent Smile” Due to Rare Condition Melts Hearts Online, Only 14 Such Cases in Word

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A baby born with “permanent smile” on her face due to a rare medical condition is melting hearts of people across the world. Such is the rarity of the condition the baby is born with that only 14 such cases have been reported across the world.

The baby girl is Ayla Summer Muncha, who is born with bilateral macrostomia, a condition where the corners of a fetus’s mouth don’t end up fusing properly while the fetus is in the womb.

According to reports, Ayla was born in December, and has become somewhat of a TikTok sensation. Her parents, 21-year-old Cristina Vercher and 20-year-old Blaize Mucha, are now using the social media platform to raise awareness on bilateral macrostomia, the condition because of which she always has a smile on her face.

The couple has made an account @cristinakylievercher, which has over 118 thousand followers. On the account, the couple has shared some incredibly heartwarming and inspiring pictures of Ayla in a pink robe, smiling with a huge grin on her face.

It should be noted that the rare condition not just a cosmetic issue, but also an issue that can impact Ayla in her day-to-day activity. The condition can affect how she goes on with latching or sucking. Due to the facial abnormality that also has adverse impact on functionality, such patients are often asked to undergo a surgery.

“We are yet to receive the exact specifications of the surgery, yet we know this involves a skin closure that results in minimal scarring. The challenges we will face post-surgery are worrying as a couple.” Ayla’s mom said.

Shiksha News


      • And so? Does that make the baby any “less than”?
        Maybe you both are the ones who are not normal, because you do not feel the natural rachmanus for this baby?


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