Bar-Ilan Receives Anonymous Billion-Shekel Donation

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Israel’s Bar-Ilan University has received $260 million, its largest-ever donation, from an anonymous donor, the university’s president announced on Monday.

The donor has revealed only two things about his identity: He graduated from Columbia University and was “active” in World War II.

“The donor, a man of broad academic education, believed that the development of Israel’s technological resilience relies primarily on breakthrough science,” Bar-Ilan President Arie Zaban said on Monday during the school’s annual Board of Trustees meeting.

The donor had “recognized the significant impact” Bar-Ilan has had in key areas “thanks to its science-based infrastructure and deep connections to all sectors of Israeli society,” he said.

The gift will be invested in the development of “Deep Tech” sciences “and has the potential to positively influence the future of Israel and humanity,” he added. JNS


  1. Great news. I think that Bar-Ilan will put this nice gift to good use, and not squander it away frivolously. I have seen many times where huge gifts like this are spent on “ narishkeit” best not mentioned here.


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