Ben Gvir and Smotrich Threaten: We Won’t Be Part of Gov’t That Agrees to Biden Outline

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Israeli Ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir made it clear that they would resign from the government if the hostage release plan proposed by President Joe Biden on Friday was implemented.

Finance Minister Smotrich stated, “I spoke with the Prime Minister and made it clear to him that I will not be part of a government that agrees to the proposed outline and ends the war without the destruction of Hamas and the return of all the hostages. We will not agree to an end to the war before the destruction of Hamas, nor to a serious harm to the achievements of the war so far through the withdrawal of the IDF and the return of Gazans to the north of the Gaza Strip, and not for the wholesale release of terrorists who will return, God forbid, to murder Jews.”

He further expressed, “We demand the continuation of the fighting until the destruction of Hamas and the return of all the hostages, the creation of a completely different security reality in Gaza and Lebanon, the return of all residents to their homes in the north and south and a massive investment in the accelerated development of these parts of the country.”

Minister of National Security Ben Gvir commented that “the deal as was published today – means the end of the war and giving up on eliminating Hamas. This is a reckless deal, which constitutes a victory for terrorism and a security threat to the State of Israel. Agreeing to such a deal is not the absolute victory – but rather the absolute defeat. We will not allow for the war to end without the complete elimination of Hamas.”

He warned, “If the Prime Minister implements the reckless deal under the conditions published today, which mean the end of the war and the renouncing of Hamas, Otzma Yehudit will dissolve the government.”

Opposition leader MK Yair Lapid responded, “The threats of Ben Gvir and Smotrich are a neglect of national security, of the hostages and of the residents of the north and south. This is the worst and most reckless government in the country’s history. As far as they are concerned, let there be war here forever, zero responsibility, zero management, a complete failure.”

{ Israel}


  1. Ben Gvir, what happened to the Judicial Reform? Why aren’t you enforcing it? How can you be a leader of you give fake promises?

  2. I think they should openly agree to the deal, and after getting back all of them they should break the agreement and reenter, and reattack and destroy Hamas!

    • There is no deal that sends all hostages, both living and dead, back to Israel. Hamas wouldn’t agree to such a deal. Furthermore, any deal will require at minimum30 terrorists per hostage. Non starter.

  3. I hear their טענות loud and clear but aren’t they snipping their noses to spite their faces and also, even more importantly, they’re hurting all of עם ישראל because if this right-wing government falls, that’s it! Any future government will not include the right wing: then we’re all doomed!

  4. @2:28
    Suck it up. The people voted for them, it’s a democracy. They’re up in the polls and the Left, which caused so much harm to Israel, should be forever buried.

  5. “Opposition leader MK Yair Lapid responded, “…As far as they are concerned, let there be war here forever…””
    Actually, that’s what the gedolim warned would happen if the Zionists were to create their “State”. Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened.


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