Ben Gvir: If The War Ends Now, I Will Not Be In The Government

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National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir spoke with i24NEWS on Sunday night, outlining a condition for his party’s continued participation in the government.

“We should not seek an agreement with Hamas; rather, we should actively campaign against them. If the conflict ceases, I will withdraw from the government,” he emphasized.
He further stated, “How can we consider halting the conflict? Both the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister understand that pursuing a settlement is untenable. We understand their intentions. They seek our destruction because we are the Jewish state.”

“The Prime Minister understands well that my presence hinges on ongoing conflict. I have stated regarding Gaza, ‘If there’s no conflict, I’m out,’ and the same applies to the north. Conflict must persist in the north. This isn’t a threat to the Prime Minister; it’s a necessity because you don’t negotiate with Nazis,” Ben Gvir asserted.

He also addressed criticism directed at him for discussing military matters despite not having served in the IDF.

“I wanted to serve in the military, but I was not permitted. I witnessed all these ‘heroes’ who told me, ‘You’re not the Chief of Staff, so who are you to speak?’ It turns out, I was right and they were all mistaken.”

{ Israel}



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