Bereaved Father: ‘Herzi Halevi Is A War Criminal, I Will Haunt Him’

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Itzik Bonzel, whose son SSG Amit Bonzel fell in combat in Gaza, has launched a severe and unprecedented criticism of IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, blaming him for the failures that led to the massacre on October 7th.

“Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi is a war criminal. I swear here, as swore in other places, that I will haunt him and the others until their last day. They will not get away with an inquiry commission,” declared the grieving father.

He further stated: “We, like many others, visit the cemeteries and I stand there, look, and say to myself – this boy should have been alive now – if these criminals would have paid attention to the intelligence warnings and would be running a military as they should. They will stand trial. In the past six months, I met hundreds of thousands of Israelis who swear as I do and we will put them on trial. It will not end like the Meron disaster where 45 Jews died and no one paid the price.”

Bonzel asserted: “We the parents have the legal right and we will stand at every place and wait for them. Do you know why they don’t resign? Because they know that the nation is waiting for them.”

He continued, “They are getting the papers and documents ready. They know that they will need to be judged for the deaths of hundreds of Jews, for those who were abducted, for the nation of Israel who was hurt, and for the country which is close to falling apart. They know that the people, from right and left, agree that they need to be put on trial,” he concluded.

{ Israel}


  1. But it’s not only Halevi. It’s the ENTIRE Knesset, including the Prime Minister, the one who replaced Bibi Netanyahu.

  2. Thumps Up!! To Itzik Bonzel and the literally countless other bereaved fathers and mothers and other relatives of the thousands of people who were allowed to be killed not on only on Simchas Torah – October 7 but in this endless completely unnecessary war since then and of the abducted hostages, many of whom have still not been brought back home. May Hashem grant you all GIGANTIC HATZLACHA in full exposing ALL the wicked Israel Government & IDF officials — including Mr. Netanyahu himself if he is one of them — who took part in this horrific outright treason of the on-purpose-pre-meditated-Simchas-Torah-October-7-standdown and bringing them all to absolute justice and full criminal prosecution & punishment for the MASSIVE BLOOD that is on their hands!!

  3. Want a headache? Search for a Baal-Musar who teaches that Nivel-Peh is justifiable under any circumstances. And that “shmor lishony me-Ra” is just cutesie, obscure rhetoric.


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