Biden Accuser Tara Reade Calls For ‘Real Investigation’ Following Cuomo Resignation

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After New York Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo stepped down Tuesday, Tara Reade is now calling for a “real investigation” into President Joe Biden.

“May there be some measure of justice for the survivors,” Reade, who has accused Biden of having assaulted her in 1993, told Fox News. “Now, let’s call for a real investigation into Joe Biden and expose the corruption protecting powerful predators.”

Reade also called out the corruption of the Time’s Up activist group, which she said failed to come to her defense and was also accused of colluding with Cuomo to discredit one of his accusers. Time’s Up co-chair Roberta Kaplan has since resigned amid the allegations.

Read more at NEWSMAX



  1. What pervert Biden did and continues to do inappropriately, against their will, is much worse than anything Cuomo allegedly did! The duplicity of the corrupt media is nauseating!


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