Biden: I Will Not Let Up On A Hostage Release Deal

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On Monday, President Joe Biden reiterated his commitment to pursuing an agreement that would lead to the release of hostages held by Hamas, contingent upon a six-week ceasefire in Gaza.

“I will not let up pushing for a deal that secures the release of the remaining hostages held by Hamas, brings an immediate ceasefire to Gaza for at least six weeks, and allows for a surge of aid to the entire Gaza Strip,” he wrote in a post on X.

Despite consistent appeals from Biden for a cessation of hostilities in Gaza, Hamas has escalated its demands during recent negotiations for a potential deal.

Last Friday, while announcing plans for the United States to commence air-dropping humanitarian assistance into Gaza, Biden criticized Israel for the insufficient flow of humanitarian aid into the territory.

“In addition to expanding deliveries by land, as I said, we’re going to insist that Israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need. No excuses,” he said.

“Aid flowing to Gaza is nowhere near enough… Innocent lives are on the line and children’s lives are on the line,” the President said. “We should be getting hundreds of trucks in, not just several. And I won’t stand by, we won’t let up and we’re… trying to pull out every stop we can to get more assistance in.”

During a press briefing in New York last Monday, Biden expressed optimism that a ceasefire enabling the release of hostages by Hamas could be achieved by early this week.

However, following discussions with regional leaders, Biden revised his stance, acknowledging that the timeline for such an agreement would likely be extended.



  1. Feb. 9, 2002
    Office of the Prime Minister

    Dear President Bush,

    I hope you are doing well. As a beneficiary of American generosity and a long-time ally, we continue to support you in the United Nations and would like to reassure you that we will always have your country’s back.
    While we agree that last year’s September 11th attack was an atrocity and a response was justified, recent events have raised our concern. Far too many Afghan civilians are dying in apparently indiscriminate attacks, the ferocity of those attacks is entirely disproportionate, and entire populations are lacking food and shelter. While we understand your anger at the events of September 11th, we believe a cease-fire that leads to an eventual truce is an outcome that our collective humanity demands. While Al Qaeda has declared that their intention is to commit additional “heroic operations” (their words, not ours) until America is defeated, we remain confident that a peaceful, negotiated settlement can be achieved. Whatever Mr. bin Laden and Mr. al-Zawahiri may have done, endangering innocents in their pursuit is simply not justifiable.
    In the meantime, we believe it is imperative that you scale back your military operations and supply food, water, shelter, electricity and other essentials to the Afghans. We realize Al Qaeda will appropriate almost all humanitarian aid for themselves, but that’s just how things are and not a valid reason not to supply said aid.
    Israeli society as a whole is supportive of the United States, but five months later, with civilian casualties continuing to mount and no end in sight, you must understand that support for your military isn’t infinite. We hope hostilities conclude sooner rather than later, which would be the best outcome for all involved. Also, while we understand this may not be something you’re comfortable discussing right now, an independent, unoccupied Afghanistan is our ultimate goal, whether it’s led by the Taliban, Al Qaeda, or a joint government.

    I look forward to your response.

    Your friend, PM Ariel (Arik) Sharon

  2. does this man have any idea what he’s talking about?

    Joe, it’s WAY past your bedtime…go to sleep…

    • YOU are the GROIS gelechter because you still believe that “Joe Biden” is the US President.

      YOU are WAY past your bedtime…go to sleep…

  3. Kind of hard to focus when Lady Letitia and boychi Da Hunter are persecuting . His Jesty needs calm oceanside relaxation. I recommend the lovely, secluded coastline in Gaza. The USAF will include him in their airdrops.


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