Biden Says He Won’t Pardon Hunter If First Son Is Convicted Of Gun Charges

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President Joe Biden declared on Thursday that he will not consider pardoning his son, Hunter Biden, if he is convicted in his upcoming federal criminal trials.

In an interview with ABC News anchor David Muir, the 81-year-old president stated that he would respect the outcome of Hunter’s trial regarding gun charges in Delaware. He emphasized that he would not use his clemency powers to overturn a conviction. When asked by Muir, Biden simply replied, “Yes,” confirming his stance.

Previously, Biden’s spokespersons had made it clear that the president would not pardon his 54-year-old son. This statement followed Hunter’s rejection of a plea deal that offered probation last July. The deal fell apart over Hunter’s demand for broad immunity for past actions, including alleged breaches of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which might also involve his father.

Historically, presidents often issue their most contentious pardons towards the end of their terms, suggesting Biden has time to reconsider his position. For instance, despite initial claims by Trump White House aides that Jared Kushner’s father, Charles Kushner, would not receive a pardon, he was eventually granted one.

Hunter Biden faces two significant legal challenges. Besides the Delaware gun charge, he is also slated to stand trial in Los Angeles starting September 5th. This trial involves accusations of failing to pay over $1.4 million in federal taxes between 2016 and 2019, income linked to his foreign engagements, where his father was reportedly involved.



    • The BidenS were charged and already dealt with several years ago. You’re dealing with actors.


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