Biden Says He’s Prepared To Speak At Knesset, As He Urges Israel To Alter Gaza Strategy

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US President Joe Biden has indicated his readiness to return to Israel and even address the Knesset during a recent interview.

Certain commentators with left-leaning views had been advocating for Biden to consider this course of action as a means to circumvent Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s staunch government and directly communicate with the Israeli populace regarding the US perspective on resolving the conflict in Gaza. This included proposals for initiating a hostage negotiation, facilitating an extended ceasefire, engaging Arab stakeholders in the reconstruction of the Strip, reinstating a reformed Palestinian Authority to govern the enclave, fostering normalization of ties between Saudi Arabia and Israel, establishing a pathway to a Palestinian state, and fortifying broader regional cooperation against Iran.

During the interview on MSNBC, the specifics of these proposals were not delved into deeply. The interviewer simply inquired whether Biden would be willing to revisit Israel and deliver an address to the Knesset. Biden’s response was succinct: “Yes,” he affirmed, without offering further elaboration. When pressed about whether such a visit would necessitate an invitation from Netanyahu or President Isaac Herzog, Biden chose not to delve into the matter further, stating, “I’d rather not discuss it more.”

In response to queries regarding whether his affirmative response indicated discussions with his advisors about the possibility of delivering a speech at the Knesset, Biden dismissed any significance, asserting, “It doesn’t mean anything.”



  1. Who invited this idiot to speak at the Knesset????? Are you completely nuts to give a platform to this anti semite??? He has nothing intelligent to say. And furthermore stole the last election. Feh

  2. Have him speak to putin and xi!
    And hamas telling them not to hide behind civilians! And what other normal army tells their enemy to leave bc they are going to bomb them?…… tell biden talk to putin first. Assad. And turkey for killing the Armenians

  3. If the Shmoyga In Chief could say Netanyahu would have a yoshka pundrik moment, the tipish may speak to the knesses and proclaim ala peanut butter sandwiches is a rat.

  4. Ridiculous idea. He should go down to the Gaza Metro where the Rat Face is hiding and tell him and his A SHAM (HAMAS letters scrambled) beasts to surrender. Then go to the Iranian Parliament without a bullet-proof vest. And take his Veep along.

  5. So the fake Biden wants to speak at the Knesset. Has the script writer forgotten that Hezbollah is gearing up for war with Israel this week or is that (the war) only fearmongering?

  6. Make sure he takes along the digs he used before the state of the Union address. What’s he going to tell the Knesset? Guys shoot the war. It’s ok if your people continue to get killed by Hamas since we have your back?

    Mr. Biden you’re a back stabber just to keep Ohmar happy.

  7. Make sure he takes along the digs he used before the state of the Union address. What’s he going to tell the Knesset? Guys stop the war. It’s ok if your people continue to get killed by Hamas since we have your back?

    Mr. Biden you’re a back stabber just to keep Ohmar happy.


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