Biden Signs Funding Package After Senate Avoids Government Shutdown

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President Biden has officially signed into law a $460 billion government funding measure today, following the Senate’s successful efforts to prevent a partial shutdown the previous night.

This comprehensive funding package, dubbed the “minibus” bill, ensures that a range of federal agencies will have the necessary resources to continue operations until September.

Crafted through bipartisan collaboration, the minibus bill encompasses six separate legislative measures negotiated by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Mike Johnson, President Joe Biden, and key leaders from both sides of the political aisle.

Among the entities benefiting from this funding are vital departments such as Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, Transportation, Commerce, Justice, and Housing and Urban Development, in addition to agencies like the Food and Drug Administration and military construction projects.

In a concerted effort to avert a potential government shutdown, Congress rallied behind this bipartisan agreement. The Senate rallied behind the measure with a 75-22 vote on Friday evening, just in time to meet the midnight deadline, following the House’s approval with a decisive 339-85 vote earlier in the week.

However, the urgency to pass this funding package stems from the impending expiration of funding for crucial departments such as the Pentagon, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, and the State Department, set to occur at 11:59 p.m. on March 22 unless further spending measures are enacted.



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