Biden Watched His Dog Tear Into Secret Service Agents, Docs Show

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They’re having a ruff time.

Newly released agency records have shed new light on the Secret Service’s dire morale following a series of biting incidents by Commander Biden, the German Shepherd belonging to President Joe Biden. Commander’s biting spree is believed to have become a mounting problem for members of Biden’s protective force before he was re-homed in 2023. Those incidents rose in the latest report, from at least 24 separate biting incidents to now up to three dozen, according to conservative nonprofit group Judicial Watch, which obtained 116 pages of U.S. Secret Service records from the Department of Homeland Security under the Freedom of Information Act.

Biden was allegedly witness to at least 3 of the biting incidents, including one in Sept. 2023 where during a walk with the president in the Kennedy Garden along the South Lawn of the White House, Commander bit the arm of a Secret Service member, tearing holes in their suit, then biting them again moments later.

“Can we please find a way to get this dog muzzled,” an official in the agency’s Safety, Health & Environmental Division wrote in September 2023. Both The White House and the Secret Service did not respond to a request for comment from the New York Post. Read more at Judicial Watch.



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