BIDEN’S AMERICA: Biden Planning To Offer Pathway To Legal Status To Migrants Who Have Lived In The US For 10 Years

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The Biden administration is set to introduce a policy granting work permits and deportation protections to undocumented immigrants who marry American citizens, provided they have resided in the US for at least ten years.

This initiative, known as Parole in Place, would also pave the way for hundreds of thousands of migrants to obtain permanent legal status and ultimately US citizenship, as reported by CBS News.

The program aims to overhaul existing laws that currently prevent individuals who entered the US illegally from acquiring green cards without having to leave the country.

Additionally, President Biden is promoting another proposal that would enable migrants to apply for waivers, simplifying the process for obtaining temporary visas such as H-1B visas for high-skilled workers, sources disclosed to CBS News.

These measures might be revealed as soon as Tuesday during an event hosted by White House officials to mark the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protects 530,000 undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children from deportation. However, significant opposition from Republican lawmakers is anticipated.

{Dov T. Heller –}



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