Biden’s Approval Rating Drops To New Low

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President Joe Biden’s approval rating fell to a new low of 38 percent in a USA Today/Suffolk University poll released on Sunday, with 59 percent disapproving of the job he is doing as chief executive.

The survey, which comes one year before the midterm elections, was completed just before Democrats passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill and advanced a social spending package, as well as before the release of an encouraging economic report that pointed to stronger-than-expected job growth.

Results of the poll include:

  • Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval rating is even worse at 28 percent, with 51 percent disapproving of the job she is doing; 21 percent are undecided.
  • Among those surveyed, 46 percent say Biden has done a poorer job as president than they expected, including 16 percent of those who voted for him. Biden has particularly disappointed independents, with 44 percent saying he has done worse, not better, than they expected.
  • Sixty-four percent say they don’t want Biden to run for a second term in 2024, including 28 percent of Democrats. Opposition to former President Donald Trump running for another term in the next presidential election is nearly as high, at 58 percent, including 24 percent of Republicans.
  • If the midterms were today, 46 percent said they would vote for their Republican congressional candidate, while only 38 percent said they would chose the Democratic one.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. Didn’t Barry O’ tell Biden before he started his campaign that “you don’t have to do this, Joe”? Nonetheless, some internal Forrest told him to run, Joe, run. This is the result.

    If anyone knew how poorly this man performs, it was his former boss, and that was before dementia set in!

  2. “Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval rating is even worse at 28 percent, with 51 percent disapproving of the job she is doing; 21 percent are undecided.”

    You see? This is proof that America is a racist country. They hate blacks & women, and Kamala claims that she is a black female. Kamala is working very hard for the American people researching the root cause of illegal migration and the root cause of white supremacy.


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