Bnos Yisroel Of Baltimore Placed On Brief Lockdown

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Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore was placed on a brief lockdown after police received reports of an active shooter in the area near the school.

According to police, the students were never in danger, but placed the school on lockdown out of caution.

The following message was sent to the school’s parents:

“Bnos Yisroel just had a school-side lockdown. This was based on our security officer hearing shots fired near school property. A full lockdown was established. Students and staff stayed locked down until the police cleared us to end the lockdown. There were indeed 9 shots fired within a few blocks of school. We thank our vigilant officers for their service and Hashem for keeping us safe.”



  1. That’s okay. As long as all the girls were wearing masks and properly social distanced. We must always be frummer than the Torah. We must be vigilant that we don’t cause aiva. We don’t want the goyim to hate us.

  2. As a parent at bnos and present At the time it is a such a full heart and I need to say thank you to the school for teaching the girls had to go into lockdown in an orderly can cashing knowing exactly how to be safe


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