BREAKING: Gantz Expected to Leave Emergency Government on Motzei Shabbos

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On Wednesday, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu (Likud) and Minister Benny Gantz (National Unity) met following a War Cabinet meeting, in an attempt to preserve the emergency government.

Gantz had given Netanyahu until June 8th to formulate a strategic plan for the war, to bring back the hostages, topple Hamas, among other things.

Per a new report by political analyst Amit Segal, Bibi asked Gantz why he wanted to leave the government, and the latter answered that he felt that National Unity’s influence in the cabinet was decreasing.

“Why are you leaving? The disagreements between us are negligible,” wondered Netanyahu. Gantz answered: “We feel that our influence is decreasing.”

A press conference has been scheduled for 8:40 p.m. on Motzei Shabbos for Gantz. It is expected he will announce his resignation from the government barring any dramatic changes.



  1. Get out Gantz, take Eisenkott with you and let the door slam you on the way out. Biden lackey, and sorry to say – mediocre to low intelligence.

  2. What a traitor. Gantz is putting his own bias and ego ahead of the stability of the country. He will be remembered for deserting his country at a time of war.

  3. He’s been looking to undermine Netanyahu’s fourth address to Congress since it was announced.

    As an aside, Netanyahu already has given as many joint congressional addresses as Winston Churchill.


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