BUMBLING BIDEN: Joe Embraces Surprised-Looking Pope Francis With Forehead-To-Forehead Hug At G7 Summit

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President Joe Biden greeted Pope Francis with a surprising forehead-to-forehead embrace on Friday, marking the second day of the G7 summit in Italy.

The 87-year-old pontiff, who was brought into the room in a wheelchair, joined world leaders to discuss topics related to artificial intelligence, energy, and the Africa-Mediterranean region. This occasion made him the first pope ever to attend a G7 summit.

Among the leaders participating in the discussion were Argentina’s President Javier Milei, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Biden, 81, and the second Roman Catholic president of the United States, was scheduled for a private meeting with Pope Francis later today.

According to a senior administration official, their conversation was expected to cover the situation in Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and issues related to AI and climate change.



  1. Matzav Editor,
    That the president acted inappropriately is a given: but why must we see trace of this אבי אבות הטומאה? Is it relevant to our נשמה? Especially the day after Shavuos? Please take down the picture and the accompanying NYPost clip. Our נשמות shouldn’t be sullied.

    • I agree with you totally about posting a picture of the Avi Avos Hatumah but sadly you’re still in deep sleep with the fake president. Don’t you see it’s all fake?

  2. IF you watch the video it looks totally fine…. Noisy room and leaning in to speak… Sensational headline by New York Post being parroted by other news organizations…. Watch it and see what you think

  3. Probably the closest he’s gotten to a man with a beanie! Seriously, just a sign of dementia, someone should give hizzonner the heads-up.


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