CAN’T MAKE THIS UP: Pepsi’s New Logo Causes An Uproar In Lebanon: Reminiscent of the Israeli Flag

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Pepsi Cola has sparked controversy in Lebanon with its new logo, which local residents argue resembles the Israeli flag, according to Yisroel Hayom, citing Lebanese media.

According to the report, Lebanese users have raised objections, claiming that S.M.L.C, the local Pepsi Cola bottler, has introduced a redesigned logo exclusively on bottle caps while maintaining the original logo on the bottles themselves.

This unexpected move, unveiling dual-logo products in Lebanese markets earlier this week, prompted attorney Mohammed Ziad Jaafil to lodge a formal complaint with the Public Prosecution Office in Beirut on Wednesday.

Despite Pepsi not officially confirming any changes to its logo, users expressed anger upon noticing a new blue-and-white design on the bottle caps.

Jaafil’s complaint demands an immediate cessation of distributing products featuring the contentious logo and the removal of all such items from the market. He also calls for an investigation into the company’s representatives and the referral of those responsible for these actions to the appropriate criminal court for charges related to incitement, normalization attempts, and violations of laws prohibiting engagement with the “Israeli enemy”.

Lebanon frequently enacts boycotts against entities associated with Israel. In 2018, the country banned “The Post”, a film directed by Steven Spielberg, due to Spielberg’s connections with Israel.

Shortly after, Lebanon also prohibited the Australian drama “Jungle”, which recounts the survival story of Israeli adventurer Yossi Ghinsberg lost in an uncharted part of the Bolivian Amazon in 1981.

{ Israel}



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