Today’s Yahrtzeits & History – 3 Iyar

Choni Hama'agal (see see Menachos 94b, Rashi). Rav Aryeh Leib Tzintz of Plotzk, the Maharal Tzintz (1833). Author of Get Mekushar, Maayanei  Hachachma...

Woman With Doctorate Pretended to Be Medical Doctor to Write 1,200 Fake COVID Exemptions

A woman in Australia who pretended to be a medical doctor, in order to write thousands of exemptions for people to avoid COVID-19 tests,...

Reb Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin Marks 53rd Birthday – and His Anniversary – Today

Today is the 53rd birthday of our good friend, Reb Sholom Mordechai ben Rivkah Rubashkin. Today, 28 Tishrei, is also the wedding anniversary of...

Kol Nidrei Night With The Brisker Rov & the People of Brisk Wait to...

One year, after Kol Nidrei, the Brisker Rov, Rav Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchick, whose yahrtzeit is today, took his son-in-law, Rav Yechiel Michel Feinstein, to go...

Update: What’s Happening With 5G And Your Upcoming Flights

Between pandemic-induced disruptions, weather catastrophes and omicron-related staff shortages, air travelers have navigated a lot of turbulence in recent years. The latest threat to...

CDC Director Says US Ready To Reopen, Predicts Thousands More Contact Tracers

The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Tuesday that he believes the U.S. is ready to begin reopening, even...

Photos: Kalisher Cheder Students Visit Mefoar to See Making of Paroches and Mantel

In preparation for the Yom Tov of Shavuos talmidim of the Kalisher Cheder in Boro Park visited the Mefoar Judaica Factory to see how...

Data For Millions Of Trump Supporters Up For Rent

Consultants close to President Trump are offering to rent a list with the email addresses and cellphone numbers of millions of his supporters to...

Georgia Senate Hopeful Raphael Warnock: US Must ‘Repent For Its Worship Of Whiteness’

Georgia Senate hopeful Rev. Raphael Warnock is facing scrutiny over a 2016 sermon in which he called on the US to “repent for its worship of...

Israel Seeking Police Recruits: Eager, and Arab

Israel is seeking to recruit more Arab Muslims into its police force. Many would work in Arab cities and towns, where violence is wreaking...

Sanders Shoots Down Scott’s Resolution Condemning Campus Antisemitism

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) put forward a resolution condemning the rise in antisemitic acts and speech at colleges across the United States, calling for...

Drones Cleared for U.S. Skies

Daniel Gárate's career came crashing to earth a few weeks ago. That's when the Los Angeles Police Department warned local real estate agents not...

Japan’s Defense Minister Says North Korea Action Could Constitute ‘Survival-Threatening Situation’

Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said Thursday that if North Korea fires missiles near the U.S. territory of Guam where the United States has military...

Watch: Netanyahu Wishes Emirates A Happy National Day

Ahmadinejad: Obama Will See More Shame Than Bush

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blasted the US administration for its deceitful policies, and warned that US President Barack Obama will have to face an...

Madoff: I Suffer More Than My Victims

The man behind history's greatest Ponzi scheme says he's in greater pain than his victims. Bernie Madoff emailed NBC News to say the pain...

Photos: Novominsker Rebbe Issues Direct Plea to President Obama at Agudath Israel Dinner

By Shimmy Blum "Our tefillos, of course, are directed to Avinu shebashamayim, but I also feel compelled to address the leader of this great...

Israeli Tech Lets You Stop Viruses Before They’re Even Created

When it comes to computer viruses, a little paranoia is a good thing - and Israeli startup Nyotron's new Paranoid solution promises to make...

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