House Passes Foreign Aid Bill, Sending Help to Ukraine and Israel

The House passed a sweeping $95 billion package today to aid foreign allies amid global threats, showcasing broad support for America’s role in the...

“PEACE PARTNERS”: Poll: 75% of Palestinians ‘Satisfied’ With Hamas Terror War

The Palestinians’ satisfaction with Hamas’s performance in the war against Israel has reached its highest point since the terror group’s Oct. 7 massacre, while...

Biden Signs Funding Package After Senate Avoids Government Shutdown

President Biden has officially signed into law a $460 billion government funding measure today, following the Senate's successful efforts to prevent a partial shutdown...

Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’ – Snopes

Snopes, the left wing fact checking site has rated the claim that then-President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists who attended the 2017...

Israeli Cabinet Approves Expansion to the Rafah Operation

Per an Axios report, on Thursday night the Israeli Security Cabinet approved the "expansion of the area of operation" of the IDF in Rafah. Sources...

Bipartisan House Bill Supports Stronger US-Israel Healthcare Ties

A new House bill, which goes by the “MIRACLE” Medical Technology Act—for “maximizing Israel-U.S. research advancement and collaborative leadership in emerging” medical tech—aims to...

Homeland Security Detects Uptick in Foreign Terrorist Threats to U.S.

The Biden administration sees increased foreign terrorist threats to the US compared to a year ago, thanks to renewed efforts by the Islamic State...

Judge Says Hunter Biden Lawyers Presented No Evidence Tax Charges Are Political

LOS ANGELES - Lawyers for Hunter Biden urged a federal judge on Wednesday to dismiss the nine tax charges filed against him, arguing that...

Biden Administration Eases Some Economic Restrictions on Cuba

The Biden administration amended and clarified a number of existing sanctions against Cuba on Tuesday to allow private entrepreneurs and businesses on the island...

Gallant Meets with White House Envoy Hochstein in Washington

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met on Monday in Washington with White House adviser Amos Hochstein. The two men discussed the ongoing conflict against Hezbollah...

GOP Senators Sponsor Bill to Cut UN Funding Over PA Benefits

U.S. Senator Mitt Romeny (R-Utah) and 24 Republican colleagues introduced legislation on Thursday to cut American funding to the United Nations if the Palestinian...

Rocket Hits Home In Ashkelon, Three People Injured

Sirens sounded Saturday Night in Ashkelon, as terrorists from Gaza fired rockets at the southern Israeli city. One rocket directly hit a residential home, resulting...

Bitcoin Tops $70,000 Again After Slumping On U.S. ETF Outflows

Bitcoin enthusiasts appear to be shrugging off last week’s outflows from US exchange-traded funds, with the largest cryptocurrency briefly climbing back above $70,000 again. Most...

Gazan With Butcher’s Knife Arrested At Tel Aviv Train Station

A Palestinian from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip was arrested on Wednesday at the Tel Aviv Savidor Central railway station while in possession of a...

Iran Foreign Minister Claims Israeli Attack Caused No Damage Or Casualties In Isfahan

Iran's Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, has conveyed to the representatives of Muslim nations in New York that the drones reportedly launched by Israel towards...

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