A Childhood with No Good Memories

-Communicated- Koby, the fifth child in his family, was two years old when his mother was in a serious automobile accident. She became crippled and bedridden....

Maran Sar Hatorah – Nasi: “The Best Yissachar-Zevulun Pact of Our Generation Is At...

The Ultimate Yissachar – Zevulun Deal: Entire Shas, Rashi & Tosfos In Just One Year!

Mark This Date on Your Calendar as BOOKED

Sunday November 4th at Ateres Chynka in Brooklyn, NY. The 27th Annual Grand Event and Chinese Auction “Songs of Joy” will entertain you and the...

Strategy: Where do you Start?

Leadership and Marketing Update from H. LEINER & CO. There are 8 building blocks of an excellent strategy for a nonprofit organization. A strong strategy...

The Mir Dinner Highlights

For full videos and photos go to https://themir.org/news/annual-celebration-dinner-2024-videos-and-pictures/

LIVE NOW: “A Open Conversation” With Rabbi Shlomo Bochner of Bonei Olam

Tonight, Rabbi Shlomo Bochner goes live on the Let's Get Real Show for an open conversation with the audience. Only 1,000 participants will be...

STREAMING ON MATZAV TONIGHT: Agra D’Pirka Introduces Special Pre-Yomim Nora’im Programs

By Chaim Fuhrer In its ongoing efforts to provide klal yisroel with inspiring and meaningful Torah programming, Agra D’Pirka introduces its inaugural pre-Yomim Nora’im shiurim...

Rav Chaim Kanievsky at Hadlokas Neros Chanuka and Davening for the Donors of Vaad...

If you want send your name to the Tefilas G'dolei Hador at the time of Hadlokas Neros Chanukah : Click HERE

The Secret Ingredient to Jewish Success

As we gather around the Seder this year, it’s time for us to reflect upon our national and personal transformation. Winston Churchill the Prime...

Azkarah in Memory of Dr. Marvin Schick zt”l – NOW: From 8:30 to 9:30...


Belz Community Shaken By Tragic Loss

The world is in a chaotic place. When faced with health crises, social unrest, and financial instability, it is natural to feel a sense...

ToU: Unconventional Times: Unconventional Convention: Begins TODAY

Nothing rivals the energy at the annual Torah Umesorah convention - where hundreds of Mechanchim and Mechanchos gather from around the world gain from...

Drawing Date Extended! Get your tickets for the most epic vacation giveaway today!

Drawing Extended! Win an epic family vacation on a private island! Hurry and get your tickets, the most incredible vacation raffle is giving you one...

8 Month Old Gaza Baby Killed. World Blames Israel

The world has gone mad in blaming Israel for the now 60 dead Arabs killed yesterday at the Gaza border, including the report of...

MONSEY: Seeking Menahel for Boys Cheder:

-COMMUNICATED- Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking a Menahel for its Boys Division with a current enrollment of 175 children. Monsey has become one of...

Rav Chaim: “They Will Merit to Greet Moshiach” (Video)

It was a fascinating exchange, and one that left everyone present open mouthed. Rav Chaim Kanievsky was asked by his grandson what reward will be...

Woman Just After Birth Received Shocking Diagnosis

A young Israeli family was devastated last week, after the loss of 28-year-old mother of 3 Chana Ben Shitrit. Chana was diagnosed with cancer...

BINGO Supermarket in Lakewood Welcomes Leading Community Figures and Rabbanim to its Kvias Mezuzah

In an exciting kvias Mezuzah ceremony, BINGO opened its newest supermarket branch on 1900 rt 70. The event was attended by leading Rabbonim and...

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