Matzeivos Erected at Kevorim of the Paley Brothers Hy”d

Yesterday was the shloshim of Asher Menachem Paley Hy”d and Yaakov Yisroel Paley Hy”d, who were murdered in the terror attack in the Ramot...

VIDEOS: כבה נר המערבי – Remembering Chacham Ovadiah Yosef zt”l

A day in the life of Chacham Ovadiah: Lighting menorah: Chacham Ovadiah cries over the churban: With Binyomin Netanyahu: With Shimon Peres: The Belzer Rebbe being menachem avel: Chacham...

Bavli or Yerushalmi?

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld We learn about the chashivus of Eretz Yisroel in this week’s Parsha since mitzvos that can only be done in Eretz Yisroel are discussed. The Gemara in Bava Basra, daf kuf nun ches, amud alef speaks about...

Rebbetzin Shaindel Bulman a”h

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rebbetzin Shaindel Bulman a"h, wife of Rav Nachman Bulman zt"l. From 1954 to...

Lakewood Zemanim: Mincha Every 20 Minutes on Purim at Somerset Walk

Lakewood, NJ: South side of lake: Somerset Walk: Mincha on Purim day will be every 20 minutes: 1:40, 2:00, 2:20, 2:40 , 3:00, 3:20, 3:40, 4:00,...

Interrogators Not Letting Up On Bochur Who Was With Aharon Sofer

At last night's asifa at Ateres Reva Hall in Lakewood, NJ, held as a zechus for Aharon Sofer, Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, rosh yeshiva of...

Watch: A Kapparos Chicken Lost Amongst Others


NEW SONG: Ateres Shlomo Institution Are In Final Preparation For The Mass Fundraising Events...

The Ateres Shlomo institutions are in final preparation for the mass fundraising events to be held this week - Tuesday and Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh...

WATCH: Velvel Pasternak Leads Fascinating Discussion of 50 Years of Jewish Music

For over 50 years, Velvel Pasternak has produced, arranged, conducted and published Jewish music of all types. He was a pioneer in recording some of...

Tefillos for Rav Naftoli Hertzka Frankel

Rav Naftoli Hertzka Frankel, a senior member of the Badatz of the Eidah Hachareidis of Yerushalayim, sustained a brain hemorrhage on Thursday, 27 Nissan/May...

Photos: Hataras Nedarim with Gedolei Bnei Brak, Erev Rosh Hashanah 5776

 Video above: Rav Chaim Kanievsky performing hataras nedarim this morning. { Israel/Photos: Bechdarei Chareidim}

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