A Muslim Sheikh Remembers an Orthodox Settler Rabbi

By Anav Silverman A year since the passing of peace activist and settler Rabbi Menachem Froman, his wife, Hadassah and close family friend, Sheikh...

Is ‘Terrorism’ Racist Term, UK’s Guardian Asks; Ignores 70% Terror Deaths By Islamists

By Adam Levick Recent posts I've written at CiF Watch about the Guardian's appalling use of the term "political  prisoner" to characterize violent Palestinian ...

Obama Now Praising Ronald: Reagan Saw that ‘We Are All Patriots’

By Barack Obama Ronald Wilson Reagan was a believer. As a husband, a father, an entertainer, a governor and a president, he recognized that each...

A Mile in His Shoes

By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran How beautiful are thy feet in sandals… (Shir Hashirim 7:2) We are all blessed with gifts bequeathed to us by those who...

Did Israel ‘Apologize’ to Turkey? Well, No, Not Exactly

By Barry Rubin Israel apologizes to Turkey, reads every headline. That simply isn't true in the sense it is taken to imply. To understand what...

The Climb

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz A certain sadness washes over many people when Yom Tov ends, and they find difficulty in returning to performing the...

Deposits and Withdrawals

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz For years, every time we lain Parshas Vayeira, the same question bothers me. Why did Avrohom Avinu not rush to tell...

Seven: The Power Of Numbers

By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran Numbers have power and significance.  Some numbers have greater significance than others, often due to their properties as primes or unique,...

Palestinian TV Teaches Kids The Way to ‘Jihad Street’

By Abigail R. Esman Every day, hundreds of millions of children in more than 120 countries settle in to watch their local versions of "Sesame Street"...

The Guarantee for Our Future

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz We learn this week's parsha and are struck by how odd it seems that someone would challenge Moshe after ...

Aharon Sofer z”l: The Aftermath of a Tragic Loss

By Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Director of Interventions and Community Education, Project Chai. ‎ The Jewish nation mourns the death of one of our fine young...

Dershowitz: The Day After the Election

By Alan Dershowitz With the world’s attention focused on today's presidential election, some attention must be devoted to the problems we will continue to face...

The Politics of Chris Christie’s Same Gender Marriage Move

By M. Haberman Chris Christie doesn't support same-gender marriage. He vetoed a bill to legalize same-gender nuptials. He has repeatedly made clear where he stands. But for...

The Wickedness Of “Live And Let Live”

By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran A visitor to Sodom seeking to purchase food would be told by the merchants, "keep your money (what's yours is yours)...

LAC Member Responds to Tiny Tots Saga

By a member of the LAC, Lakewood, NJ First I want to start off that I am not a board of education member, nor a...

What the Media Won’t Report: The Palestinians Are the Most Anti-Semitic People in the...

By Adam Levick How would you characterize someone who believes that Jews have too much power over the global media and global political affairs, that Jews...

Netanyahu vs. Carter

By Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu told "Face the Nation" on Sunday that preventing Jews from living and building in...

Protocols of the Elders of Crazy

By Eric T. Justin "When someone is acting heartlessly, we say, ‘Your blood is blue.' And then we normally add, ‘Like the Jews.'" The other...

Not Quite Ten Minutes to Doomsday

By Yonason Rosenblum My son recently asked me an interesting question: If global warming is preeminently an empirical issue, why do positions on the magnitude...

Let’s Be Better

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz It was, in a sense, the first gathering of the Bnei Yisroel, the twelve pillars of our nation surrounding the bedside...

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