The Matzav Shmoooze: Why Did You Park in the Handicapped Space?

Dear _____, Hi. Were you the young guy parked in the handicapped spot on 2nd street, you know the 2 only spots in the...

The Matzav Shmoooze: The Torah View of Global Warming

Dear Editor, I think a Torah perspective is needed re the alleged (it is actually heatedly debated, no pun intended, if the claims ...

Rabbi Golding to Matzav: Our Strongest Weapon Against Cancer – Tehillim

Dear, In reference to your Video-of-the-Day feature today on little Reuben Kirschner, I take pen (computer) in hand to beseech all of readers to...

MATZAV INBOX: With Salaries Like These, I’m Done Teaching

Dear [email protected], It's time we say enough! I am a teacher with many years experience, boruch Hashem. I have seen much success in the field. I...

With Pain and Shame

Dear Editor, It is with utmost בושה that I am writing to you this letter, in requesting your help and support before the coming חג...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Looking for Some Quiet in Shul

Dear Editor, Firstly, I'd like to thank you for your wonderful website. It is obvious that you and your moderators try very hard to maintain...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Enough With the Made-Up Tznius Obsession

 Dear Editor,             There is a phenomenon of publicizing made-up letters to the editor addressing so-called "tznius" concerns in certain media outlets. Editors love these...

A Reader Writes: Ticketing By Police – It’s Out of Control

Dear Editor, Question: Are police paid with our tax dollars to protect us or to hound us with unending traffic tickets? Do we need...

You Can Help: Tefillin Lost in Uman

Dear [email protected], I am reaching out to Matzav readers for help. I lost my tefillin in Uman on Wednesday. The name on the bag is Yisroel Beer. Please...

Why I Am No Longer Frum

Dear Editor and readers, Several years ago, I moved to Brooklyn from an out of town community for the purpose of shidduchim. As a...

Matzav Shmooze: Who Will Stand Up For The Kavod Of Bnos Yisroel?

Dear Matzav Shmooze, I have spent the past week crying on and off and I don't know if I will ever get over the embarrassment...

Kiddush Hashem: Letter to Matzav

Dear Editor, I was shopping at the ShopRite store in Lakewood, NJ, last week, when I experienced what was a tremendous kiddush Hashem. I had...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Let’s Save Ateres Tzipora Together

Dear Matzav, Ateres Tizpora is an absolutely wonderful girls school in Lakewood, NJ, that really tries to take in as many girls as possible. They...

Touch Your Brethren in Israel…With Pizza

Dear friends, We all want to help out our brethren in Israel But how? Here's one idea for the readers of Two pies and two...

The Matzav Shmoooze: So Much Yeshiva Bashing – Here’s a Nice Tidbit

Dear Matzav Editor, I've seen a lot of posts online recently about various groups bashing the chareidi community and specifically making it seem as if...

Reader’s Matzav: The Child You Almost Killed Today Could Have Been Yours

Dear Editor, I was driving westbound on 17th Avenue in Boro Park on Erev Shabbos, through the usual morning traffic, mainly caused by the...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Dear Tof Shin Ayin Alef

A letter to you, Dear Tof Shin Ayin Alef, Just yesterday we stood at your entrance without any ideas as to what your days would...

The Matzav Shmoooze: What Can We Learn?

Dear Editor, It pains me to write the following, but due to the present  situation in Eretz Yisroel, it is incumbent to make this...

The Matzav Shmoooze: From Bnei Brak to Ashdod – What the Media Won’t Report

Dear Editor, The 350 Mehadrin bus from Bnei Brak to Ashdod is normally jammed, but at 3 PM more than half the seats were still...

A Reader Writes: I Am Not Making It Either

Dear [email protected], I was called to my son's cheder to talk about tuition. I was directed to the administrator, who informed me that he would...

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