Parshas Naso: Levi Genes

By Rabbi Berel Wein The tribe of Levi was counted independently in the desert of Sinai, apart from all of its fellow Israelites. Almost from...

How to View Lakewood

 Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz The novi Yirmiyohu mourns, “Vayeitzei mibas Tzion kol hadarah… Her adversaries have become her master, her enemies are at ease, for Hashem...

Audio: Rav Chaim Mintz on the Parsha

Each week Rav Chaim Mintz, Mashgiach of the Yeshiva of Staten Island and founder and head of Oorah Kiruv Rechokim offers, via telephone,...

Harsh Punishment for a Single Hair: Circumstantial Evidence in Halacha

By Rabbi Micha Cohn Last week, the Justice Department and FBI admitted that microscopic hair comparison, a form of circumstantial evidence, has serious flaws. Nearly...

Gem of the Week from Rav Shamshon Rapahel Hirsch zt”l: Man’s Role in History

By Moshe Pogrow, Director, Ani Maamin Foundation  There are those who hesitate to render the word baruch according to its plain meaning. In their view, the...

Watch: Parshas Devarim – How Tall Was Og? – Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Reinman

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Reinman ([email protected]) is a well-known talmid chacham, historian and author. This week he discusses: ɚ if Moshe had a share in Eretz...

The Knock Upon the Door: Simchas Torah

By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran How did it get so late so soon? Dr. Seuss Siyum, the Hebrew word for “termination” means so much more than that. ...

A 49-Hour Fast

By Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair Can you imagine what it must be like for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, to last two days?...

Audio: Rav Mintz On Parshas Va’eira

Each week, Rav Chaim Mintz, Mashgiach of the Yeshiva of Staten Island and founder and head of Oorah Kiruv ...

Audio: Is A “Mesorah” Required To Eat Animals?

The following shiur was delivered by Rabbi Shloime Pollak, Daf Yomi maggid shiur at the Sterling Forest Beis Medrash inLakewood. In 1950 The Chazon Ish...

Video: Harry Rothenberg On Parshas Tzav

Attorney Harry Rothenberg offers a five-minute thought on the parsha disseminated by Partners in Torah. presents his weekly devar Torah here. Click below...

Is Video Supervision Enough for Cholov Yisroel?

Q. Is video supervision of milk adequate to establish a Cholov Yisroel status or must a Yisroel be physically present? A. This is a matter...

Audio: Rav Ahron Lopiansky On the Parsha

Rav Ahron Lopiansky is the Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington. We are happy to present his weekly shiur on the parsha...

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