Rav Frand On Parshas Behaaloscha

This week's Parsha contains the Mitzvah of Lighting the Menorah. The Sifrei on the verse "... lit its candles..." (he-elah neiroseha) comments that...

Selected Halachos Related to Yom Kippur

By Rabbi Daniel Neustadt QUESTION: On Erev Yom Kippur, may one eat, wear leather shoes or wash his face and hands after reciting the Birkas...

Business Halacha: Ribbis and a Yearly Subscription

Q: Is there a ribbis problem in receiving a discount for a yearly subscription to a magazine or in buying a discounted bus ticket...

Free Download: At the ArtScroll Shabbos Table – Vayigash 5782

Below you will find this week's edition of the ArtScroll Newsletter, containing inspiration and insight from classic ArtScroll titles. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PDF. This...

Blowing the Shofar – Minhag S’fard

Rabbi Wilhelm, Dean of Online Smicha, is joined by Rabbi Reuven Drury, for a in-depth demonstration of the proper shofar blowing technique, according to...

Parshas Shemos: Understanding Shnayim Mikra V’Echad Targum

By Rabbi Yehuda Spitz There is a well known Gemara in Brachos that states "A person should always complete his with the congregation -...

Audio: Rav Belsky Answers Shailos at BMG

Two weeks ago, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas held a parlor meeting in Lakewood, NJ. The rosh yeshiva, Rav Yisroel Belsky, was invited to address a...

Listen: The 20-Minute Daf Yomi Shiur By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld – Brachos 50

AMUD ALEF: AMUD BAIS: TOSAFOS IN SUMMARY: HALACHOS OF THE DAF: TO ACCESS ALL PRIOR SHIURIM, CLICK HERE. To listen to the shiurim on Kol Halashon, call 718.906.6400 and...

In Kelm: Smile…It’s Elul!

In the month of Elul, the yeshiva of Kelm was a very serious place. The trepidation from the upcoming Yom Hadin was in the air....

Rav Elimelech Biderman on the Parsha


Audio: Rav Reisman On Parshas Ki Savo

The following is a shiur delivered by Harav Yisroel Reisman, maggid shiur in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and mara d'asra of Agudath Israel of...

Listen: Rabbi Avrohom Asher Makovsky’s “Daily Dose of Chesed” Podcast on Matzav.com: A Most...

LISTEN: To hear other Daily Dose of Chesed Episodes, CLICK HERE. To receive Matzav.com's Daily Dose of Chesed podcast by email, send your email address to...

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