Video: Rav Zev Leff On Tisha B’Av

In the following videos, Rav Zev Leff, rov of Moshav Matisyahu offers words of inspiration on the night of Tisha B'Av. He discusses...

Videos: The Shmuz On Parshas Mattos-Masei

Rav Bentzion Shafier has impacted thousands of people with his talks and lectures, and especially with his innovative "Shmuz," a mussar shmuess...

Audio: Rav Reisman On Parshas Toldos

The following is a shiur delivered by Harav Yisroel Reisman, maggid shiur in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and mara d’asra of Agudath Israel of...

Travel Brochures and the World to Come: Why Is Death Difficult to Define?

By Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier Even great thinkers get so lost in the thickness of physicality that they aren't able to distinguish between themselves and...

Video: The Shmuz On Parshas Emor

Rav Bentzion Shafier has impacted thousands of people with his talks and lectures, and especially with his innovative "Shmuz,"...

Video: The Shmuz On Parshas Pekudei

Rav Bentzion Shafier has impacted thousands of people with his talks and lectures, and especially with his innovative "Shmuz," a mussar shmuess that...

Audio: Rav Mintz On Parshas Devorim

Each week, Rav Chaim Mintz, Mashgiach of the Yeshiva of Staten Island and founder and head of Oorah Kiruv ...

Video: Rav Stulberger on Parshas Tetzaveh-Purim

Each week, Rav Avrohom Stulberger, rosh yeshiva of Valley Torah High School in Los Angeles, shares a 3-4 minute message relating to the...

Video: The Shmuz On Parshas Tzav

Rav Bentzion Shafier has impacted thousands of people with his talks ...

Parsha Partner – Vayeira

Bring new meaning to your Shabbos seudah by involving your family and guests in discussions on the weekly parsha. Parsha Partner has...

Audio: Rav Reisman On Parshas Bereishis

The following is a shiur delivered by Harav Yisroel Reisman, maggid shiur in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and mara d'asra of Agudath Israel of...

Parsha Partner – Vayeishev

Bring new meaning to your Shabbos seudah by involving your family and guests in discussions on the weekly parsha. Parsha Partner has...

Parsha Partner – Vayeitzei

Bring new meaning to your Shabbos seudah by involving your family and guests in discussions on the weekly parsha. Parsha Partner has...

Parsha Partner – Mattos-Masei

Bring new meaning to your Shabbos seudah by involving your family and guests in discussions on the weekly parsha. Parsha Partner has...

Video: The Shmuz On Parshas Toldos

Rav Bentzion Shafier has impacted thousands of people with his talks and lectures, and especially with his innovative "Shmuz," a mussar...

Parsha Partner – Haazinu

Bring new meaning to your Shabbos seudah by involving your family and guests in discussions on the weekly parsha. Parsha Partner has...

Audio: Rav Mintz On Parshas Tazria-Metzorah

Each week, Rav Chaim Mintz, Mashgiach of the Yeshiva of Staten Island and founder and head of Oorah Kiruv Rechokim, offers,...

Parsha Partner – Behaaloscha

Bring new meaning to your Shabbos seudah by involving your family and guests in discussions on the weekly parsha. Parsha Partner has...

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