Video: The Shmuz On Parshas Vayeilech

Rav Bentzion Shafier has impacted thousands of people with his talks and lectures, and especially with his innovative "Shmuz," a mussar shmuess...

Parshas Ki Seitzei: Why Did the Torah Prohibit Shatnez?

The following shiur was delivered by Rabbi Shloime Pollak, Daf Yomi maggid shiur at the Sterling Forest Beis Medrash inLakewood.  The Medrash says there is...

Video: Rav Stulberger On Parshas Tzav

Each week, Rav Avrohom Stulberger, rosh yeshiva of Valley Torah High School in Los Angeles, shares a 3-4 minute message relating to the...

Video: The Joy of Sukkos and presents the following shiur on Sukkos from Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg. Rabbi Ginsburg outlines four reasons that we celebrate the Yom Tov...

Watch: Do I Need to Repay a Loan that I Do Not Remember Taking?

Q and A with Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Moderated by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger Case: A friend of mine is “pretty sure” that he lent me $20 dollars this...

Video: Rabbi Freundlich’s 3-Minute Look at Parshas Ki Sisa presents this 3-minute look at the weekly parsha with an eye towards Jewish parenting. The Torah is full of timeless parenting...

Video: Chanukah – Celebrating Miracles in Battle or Supernatural Oil?

The following shiur was delivered by Rabbi Shloime Pollak, Daf Yomi maggid shiur at the Sterling Forest Beis Medrash inLakewood. In Al HaNissim we only...

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