‘CHEAP FAKES’: KJP Says Videos of Biden Looking Confused Faked by ‘Right-Wing Critics’ [WATCH]

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The skydiving video; the Juneteenth video; the fundraiser — fake?

“Instead of Republicans focusing on the President’s performance in office and what he’s been able to accomplish … they focus on these ‘cheap fakes,’” KJP said.

KJP also addressed the Juneteenth video in which Biden is incredibly still while everyone around him is dancing; “that’s not a health issue,” KJP said.

KJP chalks up the fake videos to “right-wing critics” of the President.

Watch the clips below:




  1. remember the laptop is russian disinformation

    remember trump russia collusion

    the biggest fakes and frauds are the evil libs
    whatever they are doing, they blame you for doing too

  2. Only a moron, yes that would be a Democrat, would think that those videos are in real. We watch live shots of the president freezing and spacing out. It’s a shame the Democrat Party establishment can’t resort to anything other than lying their face off all the time.

  3. As if all the other pictures and videos of the fake president are not faked.


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