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Today, IDF representatives informed the families of the hostages Haim Perry, Yoram Metzger, Amiram Cooper, and Nadav Popplewell, that they are no longer alive and that their bodies are held by the Hamas terrorist organization.

The pronouncement was made based on intelligence and was confirmed by a Ministry of Health expert committee, in coordination with the Ministry of Religious Services and the Chief Rabbi of Israel.

The circumstances of their death in Hamas captivity are still being investigated by all the relevant professionals.

The IDF uses a variety of methods to gather information about the hostages who remain in the Gaza Strip.

Amiram Cooper, 84, was one of the founders of Kibbutz Nirim. His wife Nurit was kidnapped along with him. She was released on October 23 together with Yocheved Lifshitz.

Yoram Metzger, 80, was kidnapped together with with his wife Tamar (Tami) Metzger. She was also released.

Haim Perry, 79, was an entrepreneur and peace activist. His wife, Osnat, said that he saved her life during the Hamas massacre.

Nadav Popplewell, 51, was kidnapped along with his mother, Channah Peri, 79. His mother Channah was released on November 24 as part of the temporary hostage and ceasefire deal. His brother Roi was also murdered on October 7th.



  1. You want a deal. First a complete, transparent accounting of all hostages, regardless of who has them. The ICRC should be totally ashamed of themselves, although their dereliction of duty is documented throughout all conflicts. Second, all arms must be turned over. Third, your so-called leaders must be turned over to a military tribunal. Fourth, a public repudiation of your financial backers.


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