COVID Hospitalizations Plummeting In US

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Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are dropping dramatically across the U.S., suggesting that measures to interrupt transmission are working, at least for now.

More than 27.7 million Americans have tested positive among at least 83 million believed to have been infected. A rising number — 11.8% of the population — has now received at least one dose of a vaccine. And data gathered from mobile phones suggest people are being more cautious in their day-to-day activities. If cases keep falling, it could buy time for the U.S. vaccination effort to take hold in the warm summer months ahead, potentially underpinning a long-sought economic recovery.

Health experts, meanwhile, are anticipating challenges. Inoculations need to outpace highly contagious variants from the U.K. and South Africa that are now in the U.S. And the upcoming holidays — Spring Break, Easter and Mother’s Day included — hold the threat of group gatherings that can swiftly boost the virus’s spread.

Read more at Bloomberg.




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