CUCKOO KAMALA: Harris Pushes White House To Be More Sympathetic Toward Palestinians

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Vice President Kamala Harris has communicated to colleagues within the administration her desire for the White House to express greater public concern for the humanitarian impact in Gaza amidst the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. According to sources familiar with Harris’s comments, she emphasizes the need for sensitivity towards Palestinian civilians, urging President Joe Biden to adopt a more empathetic stance, Politico reports. Internally, discussions have emerged about formulating post-conflict plans to address the aftermath of the war, with Harris advocating for a robust approach towards Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and emphasizing the pursuit of a long-term peace and a two-state solution.

Insights into Harris’s role and statements, disclosed anonymously, highlight a private effort to shape the White House’s narrative on the Israel-Hamas conflict. This reflects the broader challenge faced by Democrats, including the top officials, in navigating the sensitive dynamics of the situation, which has reverberated through the Democratic political coalition. Despite differences in perspectives, Harris maintains a delicate political partnership with Biden, aligning herself more with progressive constituencies and displaying a heightened awareness of left-wing criticisms.

Kirsten Allen, Harris’s press secretary, asserts unity between the President and Vice President, emphasizing shared commitments, including Israel’s right to defend itself, the necessity of humanitarian aid to Gaza, protection of innocent civilians, and a continued dedication to a two-state solution. Allen cautions against relying on anonymous sources for sensitive national security discussions between the President and Vice President.

Following the Hamas attack on Israel in early October, Harris urged Biden to condemn Islamophobia simultaneously with denouncing anti-Semitism. Subsequently, the administration, including Biden and Harris, has increasingly criticized Israel’s approach to combating Hamas. Harris’s vocal emphasis on humanitarian concerns has garnered attention, with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken also expressing reservations about the impact on Palestinian civilians. Despite the administration’s consistent public stance, there is a perceptual divergence regarding Harris taking a potentially more critical position compared to Biden.

Harris’s remarks in Dubai during the COP 28 climate summit marked a significant public engagement on the Israel-Hamas conflict. Statements by Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, emphasize alignment between Harris and Biden on assessing the war’s impact on civilians. Senior administration officials refute any divergence, emphasizing the consensus view from the President downwards on prioritizing humanitarian aid, civilian protection, and commitment to a Palestinian state.

“While the administration denies any gap, there is a perception of Harris adopting a more critical stance, particularly regarding harm to civilians. Observers speculate that Harris’s personal identity, being a woman of color attuned to social justice issues, might influence her position. Pro-Israel advocates express ‘blowback’ over her comments, underscoring the importance of the administration’s actions, such as providing weapons to Israel and seeking aid from Congress.”

“Harris’s role in diplomatic efforts around the conflict has been restrained outwardly, yet she has been a close partner to Biden privately, participating in calls with leaders such as Netanyahu, Palestinian Authority representatives, and leaders of Qatar and Egypt. Conversations with friends, including those who lost family members in Gaza, have influenced Harris’s perspective. Her proactive engagement includes discussions with both Israeli and Palestinian community members and families of American hostages.”

“For segments of the electorate critical of Biden’s defense of Israel’s response to the Hamas attack, Harris’s approach has gained approval. Arab American and Muslim leaders appreciate her remarks in Dubai but emphasize the need for tangible actions rather than mere words to address the situation effectively.”



  1. If Harris is “a woman of color attuned to social justice issues”, why isn’t she demanding the release of the hostages, or at the very least demanding that an impartial organization visit the hostages to see their condition!?

  2. This stupid woman and her stupider husband doesn’t even acknowledge that as recently as yesterday these animals have shot rockets. They don’t ever learn their lesson. They must be wiped off the earth, and now!

  3. You have to be blind not to notice “kamala” is wearing a mask. If you still don’t see it, look on the right side of the neck.


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