Daily Mail Poll: Trump Surges to 4-Point Lead on Biden

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In the latest DailyMail.com/J.L. Partners poll, President Joe Biden is witnessing a decline in support among Democrats and women, while former President Donald Trump gains traction among independent voters, securing a 4-point lead in the 2024 presidential election. The findings echo a previous poll indicating Biden’s struggle against Trump in key battleground states, including Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

James Johnson, a pollster from J.L. Partners, noted that while voters may have reservations about Trump, his first-term record continues to attract support. However, a closer examination reveals that Trump’s lead is more a result of Biden’s perceived weaknesses than Trump’s inherent strength. Biden faces challenges, particularly among 18-29-year-old women, and encounters a lack of enthusiasm among Black voters. A significant portion of undecided voters, approximately one in 10 Biden 2020 supporters, remains hesitant to back Biden but is equally unwilling to support Trump.

The overall sentiment is that as 2023 concludes, both candidates have ample room to compete, and the upcoming election is expected to be a tighter race. In the nationwide poll, Trump leads Biden 40% to 36% in a full field with third-party candidates, and by 3 points in a head-to-head matchup (46% to 43%), just within the margin of error. Notably, 18% of respondents remain undecided.

The shift in Trump’s favor is notable, starting from a 2-point deficit in June to leading by 1 point in September and October. This movement is attributed, in part, to growing momentum among independent voters, shifting from a 4-point deficit for Trump to a 2-point lead in the latest poll. Biden’s once substantial lead among women, at 12 points, has narrowed to a virtual tie, with a slim 2-point margin within the margin of error.

The poll reflects public perceptions of the two candidates. The most frequently used word to describe Biden is “nothing,” followed by “economy” and “peace.” In contrast, the top words associated with Trump are “revenge” and “power.” Pollster Matt Lewis, in his analysis, asserts that these descriptors succinctly capture the essence of the ongoing campaign.

Conducted by J.L. Partners, the poll surveyed 984 likely voters nationwide for the Daily Mail, with results having a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.



  1. The “polls” have to be so close in case “Biden” is still needed… because the swamp draining is not complete.
    In reality, the “81 million votes” he “got” in 2020 were from the dead – physically with perhaps some living loonies.


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