Date Set: Netanyahu To Address Congress On July 24

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Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu will deliver a speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, July 24, as announced by House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.

In their announcement, Johnson and McConnell highlighted, “The bipartisan, bicameral meeting symbolizes the US and Israel’s enduring relationship and will offer Prime Minister Netanyahu the opportunity to share the Israeli government’s vision for defending their democracy, combatting terror, and establishing just and lasting peace in the region.”

Netanyahu expressed his feelings in a statement, saying, “I am very moved to have the privilege of representing Israel before both Houses of Congress and to present the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to the representatives of the American people and the entire world.”

Jake Sherman of Punchbowl News first reported the July 24 date earlier on Thursday.

Sherman initially reported that Netanyahu’s address would be on June 13, but this coincides with the second day of Shavuos.

The Prime Minister’s Office clarified that “a date has not yet been set for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. In any case, the speech will not take place on June 13 due to the second day of the holiday of Shavuos.”

Netanyahu received an official invitation last Friday to address Congress.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) extended a formal invitation to Netanyahu to speak at a joint session of Congress. The invitation was signed by all four Congressional leaders: Johnson, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY).

The invitation letter reads, “We join the State of Israel in your struggle against terror, especially as Hamas continues to hold American and Israeli citizens captive and its leaders jeopardize regional stability. For this reason, on behalf of the bipartisan leadership of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate, we would like to invite you to address a Joint Meeting of Congress.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterated his sentiments, “I am very moved to have the privilege of representing Israel before both Houses of Congress and to present the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to the representatives of the American people and the entire world.”

The formal invitation followed Johnson’s remarks at a Washington event, where he mentioned Schumer’s agreement to invite Netanyahu to speak before Congress.

Netanyahu previously addressed Congress in March 2015.




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