DESPERATE JOE: Biden Calls Trump ‘Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’

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President Joe Biden capped a historically panned debate performance by insulting former President Donald Trump using a line from a movie that does not appear to exist.

Biden made his remarks in a brief post-debate rally before a small crowd of supporters with his wife Jill Biden introducing him and rallying the sparse crowd.

“You did such a great job, you answered every question,” she told her husband before handing him the microphone.

Then things got strange.

“There’s a famous movie by John Wayne and, and he’s working for the, ugh, the northern military trying to get the Apaches back on the reservation,” Biden told the cluster of fans. “They were lying like hell to him. And they’re all sitting on a bluff. And John Wayne was sitting with two Indian, [mumbles] Apaches. And one of them looked at John Wayne and said, ‘these guys are nothing but lying dog-faced pony soldiers.’ Except he’s just a liar!”

Biden has used the dated insult for many years, including when insulting a voter at an event in New Hampshire in 2020.

But the line does not appear to be from a John Wayne movie, certainly not a “famous” one, despite claims from Biden and his team.


WATCH — Trump: “I Don’t Think He Knows What He Said Either”:




  1. כל הפוסל במומו פוסל

    When a person flaws someone else, he is the one with that flaw. That applies to Biden, Hillary and basically all the leftists. They are all guilty of the accusations they accuse Trump of.


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