Discover why Natural Diapers are Right for Your Family

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Discover why Natural Diapers are Right for Your Family

A parent’s life is full of decision-making. From the moment the child is born, or even before then, for years to come. A parent has a lot of choices to make day-in and day-out. In and amongst these decisions is what type of diaper your family is going to rely on for early childhood. The diaper industry is super-saturated with options, and every diaper brand would love for you to believe that they’re “the one”. That being said, it can pay dividends to the informed parent who takes their time and does the research into which brand they truly wish to trust. 

There is a lot of chatter within the diaper industry about the most efficient path toward reduced waste and lower carbon-footprints. No matter which side of the conversation you fall, it is almost unanimous that the most eco-friendly option is natural diapers. These are diapers that are made with natural and organic materials. They’re made with less irritating chemicals, biodegradable materials, and sustainability in mind. 

Cost Effective

Being eco-friendly isn’t the only reason that natural diapers have emerged as one of the top players in the diaper-industry, though. They’re budget-friendly as well. While most natural diapers have a slightly higher upfront cost due to their production process and lack of processing, they also offer more longevity. 

This is true whether it’s a cloth, or disposable diaper, too. While cloth-diapers are obviously the longest lasting since they offer the user reusability, natural disposable diapers have a longer wear-time when it comes to active diaper-duty. This means that you’ll go through less diapers in a single day, and over the potty-training years as a whole. 

With higher absorption rates, and better comfortability, natural diapers are both cost effective and high quality.


Speaking of quality, the skin of a baby is especially sensitive. Wet diapers are undoubtedly the number one culprit when it comes to diaper-rash, and this can be extremely uncomfortable for the little one involved. In traditional disposable diapers the harsh chemicals that are used can aggravate diaper rash or other skin conditions that will make the baby uncomfortable. 

This is also a problem when it comes to cloth-diapers. Since even cloth diapers are naturally less absorbent due to their constructive materials, they cause a higher rate of diaper rash than natural disposable diapers. 

Keeping your little one comfortable, safe, and happy should be the main priority, and main function of any diaper. 

Environmentally Friendly 

This is potentially the greatest selling point for natural diapers in any household. The modern day consumer puts a heavier emphasis on natural, organic, and biodegradable products than ever before. This, in turn, has caused a huge race in almost every industry that produces consumable goods. This is the sustainability race. Companies and brands are dedicating more and more resources each and every year to becoming greener, more eco-friendly, and to reduce waste-output. 

These are all noble causes and more than worthy of pursuit. The same race is taking place in the diaper industry. Seeing how quickly diapers became a main culprit in the era of landfills, parents and companies alike have shifted their entire perspective when it comes to waste. While this is perhaps most easily evidenced by global programs aimed at finding ways to recycle disposable diapers post-use, like that in Italy, there are other noteworthy efforts in the same vein. 

Even some states in the US are working on energy-recovery programs that utilize incineration in the pursuit of energy-recovery.

Parents that prioritize a natural or organic lifestyle will easily gravitate toward diaper brands that offer natural solutions. 

Easy to Manage

There are some places where composting or burying biodegradable materials is encouraged. If you’re in a region like this, it makes it even easier to manage the disposal of natural disposable diapers. Because they’re biodegradable, they’re harmless to nature, the environment, humans, and animals alike. 

Burying natural disposable diapers after use also immediately reduces the amount of diapers that make it to a landfill where the decomposition process will likely take much longer due to the surrounding environment and presence of waste. In a landfill environment, the decomposition process can be up to three times as long as it would be elsewhere. 

Going All Natural

In an age focused on the longevity and sustainability of our planet, there is a major push for organic and natural solutions throughout the entire marketplace. These solutions come in all shapes and sizes and they typically aim to reduce the carbon-footprint of any one product, service, or operation. 

There are plenty of reasons to go all-natural, regardless of the industry. From protein-powders, to dog-food, to the diapers you put on your child, all-natural is almost always better. Join the sustainability movement by using all-natural diapers, your bank account, mother nature, and your child’s bum will thank you for it.


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