Elise Stefanik Vows To Unify Trump-Centric House GOP

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Rep. Elise Stefanik is promising to look backward and forward at the same time as the new House Republican conference chairwoman — backward to address election irregularities the GOP claims plagued 2020 and forward to party efforts to recapture the speaker’s gavel in 2022.

“I disagree that it’s binary between looking back and looking forward,” the New York congresswoman told the Washington Examiner on Monday as she campaigned to supplant Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming as the No. 3 ranking House Republican. Cheney is expected to be voted out of leadership on Wednesday over her dogged refusal to stop scolding former President Donald Trump for insisting the November election was stolen and that President Joe Biden is illegitimate.

Asked if she agrees, Stefanik did not directly address the question. “President Biden is president, and the focus is on defeating his radical agenda, which I believe we will do in 2024, and we’re going to win the midterms in 2022,” she said.

A majority of House Republicans attempted to block certification of Biden’s Electoral College victory when Congress met to formalize the transfer of power in January, a move that in theory could have overturned Trump’s defeat, and they remain supportive of the former president and his election claims. Stefanik, 36, is among them, outspokenly so.

Read more at Washington Examiner.



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