Erdogan: Netanyahu And His Administration Are Today’s Nazis

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched another scathing critique of Israel and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s actions during Israel’s conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

In his vehement denunciation, Erdogan likened Netanyahu’s government to infamous historical figures, stating, “Netanyahu and his administration, with their crimes against humanity in Gaza, are writing their names next to Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, like today’s Nazis.”

Erdogan remained steadfast in his support for Hamas, rejecting any attempt to label the group as a terrorist organization by asserting, “No one could ‘make’ Turkey ‘qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization.’”

He further emphasized Turkey’s unwavering solidarity with Hamas, affirming, “Turkey is a country that speaks openly with Hamas leaders and firmly backs them.”

Erdogan pledged to continue pursuing accountability for Israeli officials’ actions in Gaza within the framework of international law, declaring, “We will continue to do what is necessary to hold Israeli officials accountable for the massacres committed in Gaza in accordance with international law.”

In response to Erdogan’s accusations, Netanyahu fired back, asserting, “Israel that adheres to international law rejects the absurd preachings about morality from Erdogan who supports the mass murderers and rapists of Hamas, denies the Armenian genocide, massacres Kurds in his own country, and vies for the world record in eliminating and jailing regime opponents and journalists.”

Following years of strained relations, Israel and Turkey officially announced in August 2022 their intention to normalize diplomatic ties by reinstating ambassadors and consuls.

However, Erdogan’s verbal assaults on Israel have escalated since the onset of the conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

In a fiery speech, Erdogan accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of perpetrating one of the gravest atrocities of the century in Gaza and tarnishing his legacy as “the butcher of Gaza.”

Last week, Erdogan went as far as accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. In response, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz condemned Erdogan’s remarks, stating, “Erdogan, who is carrying out a regular massacre of Kurds in Turkey and the region, accuses Israel of committing deliberate genocide in Gaza. Mr. Erdogan, we are not like you. We are fighting against your partners from Hamas whom you hosted in Turkey and enabled them to carry out the massacres and murders. You should be silent and be ashamed!”

{ Israel}


  1. This Erdogan has denied that the Holocaust ever happened, so how can he now blame Jews for what he says is similar?

  2. You should begin your article appropriately: “Radical Turkish Terrorist, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan…………”

  3. This from the beast who killed scores of thousands of his own citizens who demonstrated against him just so that he can stay in power.
    He could become the next UN chief.

  4. Globe Eye News: Erdogan announces retirement from politics; will step down at end of presidential term.

    • He just got reelected. His term will never end. He will retire from politics when he dies and we hope that day comes very soon.

    Globe Eye News: Erdogan announces retirement from politics; will step down at end of presidential term.


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