Fears of Humans Catching Avian Flu Heighten As Virus Spreads To Mammals: ‘Quite Likely’

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Concerns regarding the potential transmission of avian flu to humans have escalated following reports of the virus infecting mammals, as disclosed by the USDA.

This year, Washington, Montana, and Kentucky have each documented instances of bird flu affecting mammals. Specifically, Washington reported three striped skunks with the virus, Montana identified it in a mountain lion, and Kentucky recorded a case in a raccoon, as confirmed by the USDA.

While avian flu has long been prevalent among wild birds and domestic poultry, currently impacting over 82 million animals across 48 states, the recent spillover into mammals has intensified apprehensions about human susceptibility to the virus.

Despite the present low risk, experts like Dr. Chris Walzer from the Wildlife Conservation Society believe that the likelihood of humans contracting the virus is significant. Dr. Walzer emphasized the urgent need for enhanced disease surveillance to mitigate the potential threat posed by the virus, which is undergoing mutations that could pose challenges to human health.

There is a growing call for vigilance among scientists worldwide to monitor the spread of avian flu and detect any emerging patterns or developments that could pose risks to human populations.

Furthermore, a recent study published in Emerging Infectious Diseases revealed that avian flu has also affected marine animals in South America. Genomic analysis identified nearly identical strains of the virus in four sea lions and a seal, underscoring the expansive reach of the disease.

In Argentina, Chile, and Peru, the H5N1 strain of avian flu has resulted in the deaths of over 600,000 wild birds and 50,000 mammals since 2022, highlighting the significant ecological impact of the virus in the region.

The consequences of avian flu are not limited to wildlife; its effects are felt in the economy as well. The outbreak has led to a surge in egg prices in the United States, particularly affecting California’s poultry industry. Sunrise Farms in Sonoma County, for instance, was compelled to cull its entire flock of 550,000 hens in compliance with government regulations aimed at containing the spread of the virus.



  1. Will this result in more government-mandated injections and many millions of people being forced to accept an untested vaccine that does not even guarantee that the people who take it will not get sick?

  2. All these viruses and flus will stop when the CDC, WHO, Big Pharma and FDA will be gone.

    • That is correct. If you elect me as President, I promise you I will expose every single one of these corrupt government agencies. I am not afraid of the CIA, as they already murdered my Uncle and my Dad. I have nothing to lose, and that is what petrifies the filthy corrupt Washington establishment.


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