Fifth Suspected Death from West Nile Virus in Israel

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Five people are now believed to have died from the West Nile virus in Israel in an early summer outbreak of the mosquito-borne disease, the Israeli Health Ministry said on Thursday.

Forty-eight people have been diagnosed with the virus to date, according to the ministry. Thirty-six have been hospitalized, five of whom are on ventilators.

While most of those infected do not develop any symptoms, about 20%, especially the elderly and immune-compromised people, will display flu-like symptoms, including fever, general malaise, headaches, or general body aches, according to the ministry.

Neurological complications will appear in less than 1% of those infected.

While West Nile virus has affected Israel for years, it usually occurs between the hot and humid summer months of June through November, and not in large numbers.

This year’s summer outbreak was first reported earlier this month in north Tel Aviv. The first two fatalities were women in their 80s.

People in the center of Israel are especially at risk of contracting the disease as the area’s high humidity creates an ideal breeding ground for the mosquitoes.



  1. I’m not concerned at all. I followed what I was commanded and am fully vaccinated. Vinishmartem. I’m going to live pain free forever and no silly mosquito is going to get me.

  2. They claim that over these last several weeks, five people died, supposedly from this West Nile Virus. If, with this trying to scare everyone about this virus, they thus succeed in getting many people to get the new vaccine they are creating for it, QUITE A LOT MORE THAN FIVE PEOPLE will be for sure dying from the vaccine.

  3. They claim that over these last several weeks, five people died, supposedly from this West Nile Virus. If, with this trying to scare everyone about this virus, they thus succeed in getting many people to get the new vaccine they are creating for it, QUITE A LOT MORE THAN FIVE PEOPLE will be for sure dying from the vaccine.


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