FINALLY: US to Relist Houthis as Specially Designated Global Terrorists

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The Biden administration is on the verge of unveiling plans to reclassify the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen as global terrorists, according to sources familiar with the decision and a U.S. official.

This development follows a series of attacks by the Houthis on commercial vessels in the Red Sea. The group asserts that these actions are in retaliation to Israel’s military operations in Gaza, particularly in response to Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7.

The individuals acquainted with the decision, who spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to comment, anticipate the formal announcement from the administration on Wednesday.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in February 2021, removed the Houthis from the list of both foreign terrorist organizations and specially designated global terrorists. This move aimed to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Yemen.

In the closing days of the Trump administration, the Houthis were designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization, eliciting strong objections from human rights and humanitarian aid groups.

The foreign terrorist designation prohibited Americans and entities under U.S. jurisdiction from offering “material support” to the Houthis, a measure criticized for exacerbating the existing humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Upon assuming office, Blinken reversed these designations, drawing criticism from conservative lawmakers and others. The intent was to ensure the continuous flow of essential supplies like food and medicine to Yemen.

The reimposed specially designated global terrorists label for the Houthis does not involve sanctions related to providing “material support,” nor does it entail travel bans associated with the FTO label. Consequently, it may not significantly impede the provision of aid to Yemeni civilians.



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