FLASHBACK: Biden Shocked Anyone Could Be ‘Irresponsible’ Enough to Unknowingly Possess Classified Docs

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When federal authorities last August discovered classified documents at former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, President Joe Biden said he couldn’t understand “how anyone could be that irresponsible,” Washington Free Beacon reports.

“I thought, what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods,” the president said in an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes. “Totally irresponsible.”


It is unclear what information is contained in the records, which date to Biden’s vice presidency, but they include “top-secret files with the ‘sensitive compartmented information’ designation, also known as SCI, which is used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources,” according to CNN.

In light of the revelations, Republicans are demanding that Biden receive the same legal scrutiny as Trump.

“Under the Biden Administration, the Department of Justice and National Archives have made compliance with the Presidential Records Act a top priority,” said Rep. James Comer (R., Ky.), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. “We expect the same treatment for President Biden, who has apparently inappropriately maintained classified documents in an insecure setting for several years.”


  1. When asked about the Washington Free Beacon’s ‘flashback’, the idiotic commenter told reporters: “That that was the point I was trying to make in my comment a couple of days ago.”
    When asked what point he was trying to make NOW with his latest comment, the idiotic commenter told reporters: “I’m not really making any point at all; it’s just sour grapes. It’s kind of like, ‘Hey, I made the same observation on Monday’.”
    When asked if he would like to receive a medal for pointing out Biden’s hypocrisy, the idiotic commenter said: “No, because Biden is full of hypocrisy, and they’d have to give out medals 24/7 if they start giving out medals for pointing out all of his hypocrisies.”


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