Forest Fire in Yerushalayim Threatening Israel Museum Now Under Control

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A raging forest fire that forced the evacuation of the Israel Museum in Yerushalyim’s Givat Ram neighborhood on Sunday was brought under control, the museum stated.

The blaze caused damage to the roof of the youth wing building but did not threaten the art and archaeological institution’s collection, according to the statement.

There were no injuries during the incident.

Fire and rescue teams earlier battled the blaze in an open space near the complex, in the Valley of the Cross. The Israel Museum and the Knesset overlook the valley, which is named after the Monastery of the Cross located in the valley.

There were no reports that the Knesset was threatened, or the monastery.

Four firefighting planes participated in the containment efforts.

The Israel Museum is the country’s largest cultural institution and is home to the Shrine of the Book, which contains the Dead Sea Scrolls.



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