Former Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Arrested in Texas

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The former Navy SEAL who claimed that he was the one responsible for Osama bin Laden’s death in 2011 was arrested in Texas for public intoxication and assault. Robert O’Neill was arrested while visiting from Tennessee to record a podcast at a local cigar lounge.

In 2014, O’Neill claimed that his gunshots were the shots that slain bin Laden, but his status of nobility waned after his military retirement in 2012. In 2016, he received charges—which were later dropped—relating to a DUI, and he caused a disturbance during a flight in 2020 for refusing to wear a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic.

O’Neill was released after posting a $3,500 bond. Read more at The Dallas Morning News.


  1. This is baloney because Bin Laden died on Dec 14, 2001 as a result of kidney failure and other health problems as Fox News reported then. Fox News also added that Bin Laden, in his last recorded video, denied any responsibility for 9/11 and the FBI themselves then stated that there is no evidence that Bin Laden is responsible for 9/11.

    Obama murdered the entire Navy Seal team from the fake Bin Laden raid. Their chopper was shot down in Afghanistan. You can’t have people walking around that know the truth. Obama and the real Biden had then sent Iran $152 billion US taxpayer’s dollars to cover up the deaths of the Seal Team 6.

    This is not a conspiracy. It’s an old fact which was already reported in 2014.

  2. The version I heard was that 0bama sent the $152B to Iran because Iran threatened to tell the world that Seal team 6 (and therefore 0bama) didn’t actually get bin Laden. Which they didn’t.


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