FOURTH TIME’S A CHARM: Israel Heading For Yet Another Election

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Israel faced the prospect of political chaos once again Wednesday when lawmakers approved a preliminary measure to dissolve the turbulent coalition government, putting the country on a path to its fourth election in two years.

The vote of 61 to 54 to advance the proposal marked another escalation of a political crisis that has left the country with only a caretaker government for more than a year and a largely dysfunctional unity coalition during the mounting coronavirus pandemic and accompanying economic collapse.

Wednesday’s bill does not take immediate effect. Negotiations among the feuding factions could still head off final action on the proposal as it moves to a parliamentary committee before coming back for three more votes by the full Knesset, Israel’s parliament. Among the issues to be negotiated will be the timing of elections.

But the push to topple the coalition got a major boost when Benny Gantz, leader of the Blue and White party that shares power with Prime Minister’s Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, announced he would support ending the government.

Read more at Washington Post.




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