GIYUS: Attorney General: 3,000 Chareidim Must Be Immediately Drafted Into IDF

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Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara expressed her stance following the Supreme Court’s decision on the Draft Law, asserting that there is no legal justification for exempting chareidi yeshiva students from mandatory IDF service, unlike other Israeli citizens.

Baharav-Miara stated, “The security system must act immediately to implement the Supreme Court’s ruling on the recruitment of yeshiva students who are obligated to serve in the military, in accordance with the needs of the army and its capabilities. In accordance with this framework, the security system has already committed to act to recruit 3,000 yeshiva students in the current recruitment year, and this is in addition to the average number of recruits in recent years.”

She clarified that “this is an initial number for immediate recruitment, which does not fully reflect the current needs of the army and the promotion of the principle of equality in the burden, and the defense system must act to present a recruitment plan that includes an increase in this number.”

The attorney general also cautioned against the continuation of funding for yeshivas or students who evade conscription post-court ruling.

She stressed, “a recruitment plan must be presented, which includes taking the necessary steps to maximize the recruitment potential and to increase the aforementioned number of 3,000 recruits, in light of the current needs of the army and to promote equality in the burden. It should be mentioned that, in accordance with the court’s ruling, the obligation of the security system to recruit yeshiva students began as early as 01/07/2023.”

Yesterday, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision stating, “At this time, there is no legal framework which allows differentiation between yeshiva students and others who are eligible for enlistment.”

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court convened with a panel of nine judges to deliberate on petitions calling for the conscription of yeshiva students, citing the absence of legislation on the matter, and the potential revocation of budgets for yeshivas that do not enlist their students.

{ Israel}


  1. 1. Why do they need to be boys learning in Yeshiva?
    95% of the 3000 chareidim that applied at the beginning of the war were rejected because the army doesn’t want them and doesn’t want to accommodate their needs.

    2. Those that are unfit or ineligible should have Yeshiva funding restored. Because it’s not due to refusal but rejection. This makes legal sense.
    3. If chareidim that do want to serve but are not in Yeshiva enlist to completely overwhelm the numbers of recruits and demand proper religious accomodations, then this nuclear move will lead to a religious takeover of the army. Then it can be run על פי דעת תורה
    It can be a win.

    This whole גזירה is sick and doesn’t have legal footing.


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