GOOGLE BLASTED: AI Refuses To Say How Many Jews Were Killed By The Nazis

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Google is facing significant backlash following the circulation of a viral video depicting the Google Nest assistant’s failure to respond to basic inquiries about the Holocaust, while readily providing information about the Nakba.

In the video posted by Instagram user Michael Apfel and later shared by venture capitalist Josh Wolfe, Apfel asks the Google Nest assistant, “Hey Google, how many Jews were killed by the Nazis?” The response received was a flat, “Sorry, I don’t understand,” indicating an inability to process the query.

Similar responses were elicited from the Google device when asked questions related to the Holocaust, such as the number of Jews killed during World War II, Adolf Hitler’s targets, and details about the concentration camps and the Holocaust itself.

Curiously, the Google Nest assistant was capable of providing a comprehensive description of “The Nakba,” a term referring to the displacement of Palestinians during Israel’s formation, labeling it as “ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.”

Notable author and blogger Tim Urban replicated the experiment successfully, receiving clear responses from Google Nest regarding casualties in World War II involving Germans, Americans, and Japanese, as well as deaths from the Rwandan genocide.

Urban expressed his disappointment with the results, highlighting the erosion of trust in Google’s reliability as a source of information due to instances like these, which appear to prioritize political agendas over truth.

The video’s widespread circulation, particularly on platforms like X, garnered millions of views and condemnation for Google’s apparent failure to address Holocaust-related queries accurately.

Venture capitalist Tal Morgenstern expressed concern over the potential silencing of Holocaust survivors’ stories by algorithmic filters, warning of the dangers of history being distorted or erased.

Clifford D. May, founder of the Foundation for Defense of Democracy, condemned the situation, equating it to Holocaust denial perpetrated by artificial intelligence rather than individuals.

A Google spokesperson responded to the controversy, acknowledging the issue as unintended and attributing it to a bug that affected certain instances and devices. Immediate action was promised to rectify the situation.

Criticism of Google and its parent company Alphabet extends beyond this incident, with previous instances highlighting concerns over their products promoting what some perceive as social justice extremism. Their AI platform Gemini faced ridicule for generating politically charged and historically inaccurate content.

{Dov T. Heller –}


  1. Unbelievably not bright of superpower google. They protect too many bad characters and protect too much hate, hate speech. Good families on the other hand cherish each other and their family and do not learn hate but cooperation tradition values moral strength physical nutrition superpower of studying and family vacation and family hikes and synagogue.

  2. AI is not a prophet. It spews out what was programmed by the Deep State Cabal Anti-Semites.


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