Half a Million in Damages: Man Who Broke Into Shop And Ruined ‘Immodest’ Shaitels Indicted

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An indictment was filed on Thursday against a Yerushalayim man who vandalized a shaitel shop in the city, causing damage worth hundreds of thousands of shekels due to ideological reasons.

A few weeks ago, the shop owner reported the incident to the police. Following the report, the Lev Habira station in the Yerushalayim District initiated an investigation to identify and locate the suspect, who was captured on surveillance cameras at the scene.

According to the investigation and the indictment, the suspect broke into the business in the early morning hours of May 24th.

Once inside, the suspect damaged dozens of wigs by spraying them with paint and cutting them before fleeing the scene. The owner estimated the damages to be over half a million shekels.

Detectives arrested the suspect, who was then taken in for questioning at the Lev Habira station in Jerusalem. The court extended his detention to allow for the completion of necessary actions in his case.

Chief Superintendent Lior Ben-Shalom, the investigations and intelligence officer at the Lev Habira station, commented on the case: “This suspect acted out of ideological motives, which he believes prohibit the use of wigs by chareidi women, and committed criminal acts by breaking into a business and causing substantial damage. Our investigation efforts, which began immediately after receiving the report about the incident, bore fruit after we carried out various investigatory actions to locate and arrest him. The detectives from the Lev Habira station arrested the suspect, and the station investigators managed to gather an evidential basis which led to the indictment against him.”

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Why must you blur the face of this lowlife miscreant? This bum should be exposed for who he really is.


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