Hamas Kills Israeli Military Dog after Abduction

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Hamas terrorists have killed an Israeli military dog after abducting it along with combat equipment. The incident came to light following the release of misleading footage by Qatar’s Al Jazeera, which portrayed the dog attacking an elderly Palestinian woman.

The Israel Defense Forces has since revealed the tragic fate of the animal and condemned Hamas’s actions.

“The dog shown in the video is an Oketz Unit dog that was abducted by the Hamas terrorist organization along with the combat equipment on its back. The incident occurred after contact with the dog was lost. The dog was never ordered to harm uninvolved civilians,” the IDF said.

“The dog was killed and booby-trapped to harm our forces, as part of Hamas’s cynical exploitation,” added the military.

The Oketz Unit is a canine search and rescue, and bomb detection, unit.

Al Jazeera‘s operations have been banned in Israel for broadcasting pro-terrorist propaganda.




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