Hamas Says It’s Suspending Planned Attack As Israeli Forces Leave Har Habayis

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A Hamas spokesman says the terror group is suspending plans for a large-scale attack as Israel has withdrawn its forces from the Temple Mount compound.

Hamas had given Israel until 2 a.m to do so.

It was the second ultimatum delivered by Hamas. After the first, they fired 6 rockets at Jerusalem, prompting a harsh response from the IDF.

There is no immediate confirmation from Israel that police have left the compound, or if it was in response to the Hamas demands.

Rocket fire continues to target Israeli communities near the Strip.

Read more at Times of Israel.



  1. Hamas Says It’s Suspending We’ve been down this road before:- Means nothing.
    Maybe it was obama utilizing sleepy joe as a ventriloquist threatening Isreal, albeit I thought the Obama’s are occupied this week sitting Shiva for their beloved dog.

  2. Oh okay. No problem. Huh? What?!
    Israel still has every right to bomb some empty fields in Gaza. Who’s in control?


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