HATE IN THE BIG APPLE: Teens Threaten Jewish Boys With Sword, Knife, Crowbar In Unprovoked NYC Hate Crime

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Three teens armed with a sword, a crowbar and a knife threatened boys on the Upper West Side because the boys were Jewish, police said, Patch.com reports.

The six boys found themselves facing off against the teens near the corner of West End Avenue and West 86th Street at about 7:20 p.m. on Shabbos, police said. The three teens told the group of six, whose ages range from 12 to 16, that “they wanted to get them” because they were Jewish, police said. The teens then followed the boys home before running away, police said. There were no injuries.

A woman who identified herself as the mother of one of the boys replied to a Facebook post from Council Member Gale Brewer alerting the neighborhood to the attack. “It is sickening that kids around his own age are walking around this neighborhood with knives and crowbars targeting Jews, taunting them to fight,” the woman wrote. “And on Shabbat no less.”

The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force had been informed.



  1. The thug in the middle is wearing his mask properly, saving thousands of lives. He should be commended for it and given hero status.

  2. growing up in NYC in the 70’s and 80’s this was an everyday issue fighting Irish, Blacks and Peurto Rican teens

  3. I’m not sure why this is referred to as a “hate crime” when, in reality, it’s just a few teens looking for some fun. In pre-war Europe there were countless incidents where pranksters, looking for some fun and seeking to release some tension, hurled rocks at Jews and at the windows of Jewish homes. Would you label those incidents “hate crimes”, or so called “Pogroms”? I wouldn’t. What about the Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Polish pogroms where they pulverized jews to their deaths, would you call that “hate crimes”? I wouldn’t. A more precise moniker to describe those incidents would be “playful drunkenness taken to the max.”
    When we start labeling everything as hate crimes, we begin to forfeit out cherished freedoms and our leisure time activities.

  4. the new york government has done away with families by supporting unwed parents so that there is no longer a need to work or for a father to be in the home and the board of education together with the teachers union ban the teaching of values in the classroom (actually, they have banned the concept of values altogether) so why is this surprising? young kids are following the examples set for them by the adults in their lives. But the education provided in the jewish schools, which teaches values, thinking skills, learning how to study in order to gain knowledge, that’s what’s under the gun nowadays. listen, you professors, our kids eventually learn astronomy so they can figure out when rosh chodesh arrives, they learn measurements in order to be able to ascertain whether a sukkah is kosher, area to determine a t’chum shabbos, anatomy to determine the kashrus of an animal. so trash our system of education and you are left with people who push other people into the path of a moving train, people who drive their cars into a parade just because they feel like, persons who shoplift just because everyone is too scared to stop them.

    and this is what you are left with . uncle sam, aunt jemima and martin luther king must be so proud

    • Is Aunt Jemima a man or a woman? Is Uncle Sam a male? We’re going to need Katanji Brown to straighten this all out


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